Video – Digital4Pro


3 Maggio 2021

DevOps – The culture

The creation of software in DevOps is not a mere technical exercise, but primarily the result of the collective effort of a group of people who […]
30 Aprile 2021

Adam Smith’s pin factory

Adam Smith’s Pin Factory is a clear example of how an economy can grow through innovation. If you want to know more about Adam Smith’s pin […]
26 Aprile 2021

The health effects of 5G

The effects on human health of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields that have been ascertained by scientific research are short-term, thermal effects. Since 1998, Italy has set the […]
23 Aprile 2021

Optical fibre production: Direct spinning

Optical fibres are filaments of glassy or polymeric materials that have important applications in telecommunications, medical diagnostics and lighting technology. If you want to know more […]
19 Aprile 2021

Leadership styles: The pushy leader

The Pushy Leader sets constantly challenging standards and goals and sets an example for others to follow by personally conforming to the required tension. If you […]
16 Aprile 2021

Stream Processing

Stream Processing is the practice of acting on a set of data at the same time as creating the data. If you want to know more […]
12 Aprile 2021

The Curse of Knowledge by Camerer and Lowenstein

Colin Camerer and George Loewenstein call the curse of knowledge the fact that a person, if he is really knowledgeable, tends to assume that others know […]
12 Aprile 2021

The Curse of Knowledge by Camerer and Lowenstein

Colin Camerer and George Loewenstein call the curse of knowledge the fact that a person, if he is really knowledgeable, tends to assume that others know […]
9 Aprile 2021

A DevOps organisation

DevOps organisations are based on the principles of the CALMS acronym: Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement and Sharing. If you want to know more about DevOps organisation, […]
2 Aprile 2021

The NIS 2 Directive for cybersecurity

The revision of the NIS Directive sees the extension of obligations to entities operating in sectors not covered so far and a drastic increase in sanctions. […]
29 Marzo 2021

Career: Become a certainty

Identify a vision that excites you and that you would like to bring into your organisation: both employees and customers love to be inspired by a […]
1 Dicembre 2020

Arthur D. Little’s matrix

Arthur D. Little’s Matrix facilitates strategic decision making with respect to technology investments and is a useful method of portfolio management. Read more with my article […]
27 Novembre 2020

Career: Become a brand

A strong managerial brand helps to improve the image and reputation of the company as well as improve the manager’s visibility and perception towards internal and […]
20 Novembre 2020

Ultra Wide Band mini-trench technique

For the diffusion of the Ultra Wide Band on the territory it is essential to resort to minimally invasive, fast and economical laying techniques such as […]
13 Novembre 2020

5G From macrocells to femtocells

Given the frequencies in use, the number of users that can be served and the commercial purposes of 5G, the current coverage of the territory will […]
6 Novembre 2020

Graves’ Spiral Dynamics

An individual, a company or an entire society can respond positively only to those managerial principles, motivational appeals, educational formulas, and legal or ethical codes appropriate […]
30 Ottobre 2020

DevOps: From virtual machines to containers

Containers virtualize resources, allowing the development of applications in a completely abstract way from the environment in which they are run and, even more if integrated […]
23 Ottobre 2020

Blue Ocean Strategy

Rather than competing within the confines of the existing industry or trying to steal customers from rivals W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne suggest developing new […]
16 Ottobre 2020

The 4 enabling elements for the development of 5G networks

The development of 5G networks is a mix of factors: availability of fiber optic infrastructures, creation of microcells in the area, availability of spectrum and building […]
14 Settembre 2020

Social engineering: Whaling

The whaling technique aims to make a prominent figure in an organization bite as a victim to induce him to share confidential information or pay sums […]